Gracious dark Sky brought me thunder
From the place where eagles plunder
Gracious Water rained on dirt
Saw a grey rat giving birth
Gracious Fire kept me warm
While collecting slugs and bone
Gracious Earth embraced the night
I followed this eerie light....
Tongues of silent silver serpents
Speak for me as loyal servants
Ask this old abandoned grave
Is it new life that you crave...
To guard me as his mortal mistress
I lend senses to this lifeless
Witness the world through my eyes
Watch a new moon come to rise
Dark and fertile soil's dweller
Bring me your wisdom and answer
I'm alone here cold and hungry
I summon you if you show me...
Which direction people headed...
While crafting a curse... so dreaded
It turns a young head old and weary
I'm lost in this cemetery
From the place where eagles plunder
Gracious Water rained on dirt
Saw a grey rat giving birth
Gracious Fire kept me warm
While collecting slugs and bone
Gracious Earth embraced the night
I followed this eerie light....
Tongues of silent silver serpents
Speak for me as loyal servants
Ask this old abandoned grave
Is it new life that you crave...
To guard me as his mortal mistress
I lend senses to this lifeless
Witness the world through my eyes
Watch a new moon come to rise
Dark and fertile soil's dweller
Bring me your wisdom and answer
I'm alone here cold and hungry
I summon you if you show me...
Which direction people headed...
While crafting a curse... so dreaded
It turns a young head old and weary
I'm lost in this cemetery