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A feline domain stretches as far as he could see and sometimes as far as he ventured before.He also claims everything that does not fight back upon first sight. You, your family and friends, especially other pets are all his property and he will retain his royal right to inspect or fish and hunt in his domain whenever he wishes to. In his good days he will share a mouse or two with you and if you remain a loyal subject you may be invited to a royal hunt where you can chase live prey to your heart's content that he rounds up for you. You could refuse his invitation by presenting him with a "Thank you" gift. Perhaps a shiny bell on a new soft collar announcing his whereabouts.
"Diplomacy" is a word your cat can never relate to. He does know where the food is coming from but politics, other than the rule of the jungle, do not interest him. He will accept your offerings of food and compliments graciously as long as you do not disturb his energy by being inconsistent or annoying. Despite all this there will be times when you believe that your cat is the feline version of Richard the Third, knifing his way up in feline and human hierarchy. Consider it well before inviting a fellow pet keeper especially if this precious creature happens to be below your cat in the food chain. For the sake of peace warn him well ahead of the possibilities.
There are many noble things a feline can teach his human. A young witch can learn to keep her personal space, to walk with grace, to use her senses, good grooming habits and most importantly how to land on her feet and walk away with dignity. A female black cat is considered an inspiration of instincts and nobody can demonstrate it finer how to survive many seasons with only one little black dress to your name. Of course when you are young and restless you can earn to be liked to a cat by other behavior. My grandmother used to call me her kitten, maybe because I learned to purr each time she baked her famous black forest cake. In old days pagans used the most sensitive energy meter, the black cat, to choose the safest and coziest place on a block of land, then they built the heart of the house around it.
After you have chosen your cat or more correctly he has chosen you life will never be the same. felines like to control and it is now your job to establish the respect you will need for peaceful living. Some swear by padded baskets and pretty pastel collars and in exchange they are naturally expect ing loyalty and obedience. It is more likely that your cat will adore your reflection but barely tolerate your presence.
A cat's greatest weakness is his fascination with sparkling objects. However, use this charm wisely to gain the kind of attention that only the beholder of the shiny thing deserves. Felines are very corruptible while at play but trying to play fetch with him would only insult his intelligence and a waste of his precious time.
Old legend says that long before people were obsessed with recording history, a pact was made between the feline and the human race. In a secret location guarded by the statues of the two ancestors of all witches' cats, Enigma and Avatar, there is a sacred book containing all rules and wisdom of the black cat tamer.
Today we only know the meaning of one feline word which roughly translates to "Me.. Now!!" in English.
In order to fine tune the senses and master great Pagan values such as bravery, surviving skills, raising pure energy or style a novice witch must study and behold...