A long time ago, just like some of their tamers, some cats were blamed for other's misfortune. Whether for jealousy, superstition, plain ignorance or the fear of things we do not understand the sad fact is that many an innocent feline followed their human to a fiery end, some even stood witch trials and expected to present their own case.
Myth...a witch's cat spies your secrets and tells his human.
Fact....it is true that an old cat is a master in the art of telepathy and as such often displays your emotions. If we believe that people often name animals by their personality such as Grumpy or Smooch then you could easily understand why my grandfather had an old cat named Enigma sitting next to him as a good luck charm at poker nights while Avatar was locked out for the evening.It is also insulting to cats and underestimating felines' influence on their human believing that the above does not work the other way around.
Myth....witches are shape shifters and sometimes they stalk you as cats by night. Just look at their eyes or the way they twitch their nose and hiss at times.
Fact: You need to touch up on your knowledge of feline biology !
Myth...witches' cats dance around fires on some nights and travel on broomsticks
Fact...well mannered cats never dance in public and as a safety precaution they should never be allowed on broomsticks when young, intoxicated or too old.